
Top Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks

Top Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks

There exists developers who still believe to work on Native application development pattern. And there exists few which really believe over Hybrid application development, as it fastens the process and provides application for cross platform without much extra effort.

Top Hybrid Mobile App Framework are:


It is the most used and popular framework amongst developers. Its CSS part helps developer to provide the application a look of native app. Its best output comes when we combine it with Angular. It also have an integrated emulators and a Cordova based app packager.

Onsen UI

Onsen UI is new but really competitive to Ionic Framework. It is open source and available under Apache license. Onsen UI also utilizes Angular directives and Topcoat framework for most of its UI components.
It is basically more for a jQuery fan we can say. As jQuery would be preferred over using Angular.

Intel XDK

Intel XDK is new and yes it is quite unique as it includes the complete range of tools that support development, emulation, and testing as well as debugging and publishing cross platform HTM5 hybrid apps. Intel XDK packs basic ready to use app templates built using “app framework”.

App framework is open source JavaScript framework supported by Intel. App framework themes support iPhone, iPad, Tizen, Windows phone, Blackberry and Android look and feel. Apart from app framework, Intel XDK supports jQuery mobile, Bootstrap 3 and Topcoat UI framework.

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is an enterprise grade product for building cross platform end to end mobile web apps with HTML5 and JavaScript. Sencha has a wide range of products that work hand to hand with Sencha Touch, most of these products carry heavy price tag.

Kendo UI

Kendo UI is a framework of building mobile native or hybrid app by using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. It relies heavily on jQuery and comes packed with 70+ ready to use jQuery widgets. Kendo UI allows integration with Angular as well and supports Bootstrap UI framework.

Framework 7

Framework 7 leads the race among hybrid app frameworks in iOS mobile apps development space. It is not an apple to apple comparison between Framework 7 and other frameworks like Ionic and Onsen UI since Framework 7 doesn’t provide support for building cross platform hybrid apps.

JQuery Mobile

jQuery suite old but gold and enough capable to hold mobile app development frameworks like Ionic, Onsen UI and Framework 7. The die-hard jQuey fans community has built this minimalist jQuery Mobile package on top of solid jQueyr and jQuery UI foundation.

Mobile Angular UI

This one is for the fans of Bootstrap and Angular. With Mobile Angular UI, you get best of both Bootstrap 3 and Angular framework to build HTML5 mobile applications. Angular UI is more like an extension to Bootstrap 3 but without any dependencies to bootstrap js or jQuery. It utilizes fastclick.js and overthrow.js for smooth and better mobile experience.


Famo.us is html5 apps development framework and targets to provide near native experience in hybrid apps. The main difference between famo.us and other hybrid html5 frameworks is that it focuses more on graphics rendering, 2d and 3d and hence is more suitable for games development.


Monaca is another commercial mobile app development platform with a huge list of products for managing end to end app development life cycle. Monaca features a cloud based IDE for developing hybrid mobile apps and lets you compile and publish to multiple platforms, utilizing Cordova.

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